Learning Outcome #1

How I used to revise my essays back in high school was very different to how I revise them now. I think my whole perspective on revision changed when I came to college. Back in high school the revision process was only one class period so we didn’t get helpful or thoughtful feedback since it was a short amount of time. Now in my English class the revision process is about a week long and we have more time to reread papers and give thoughtful feedback to our peers. My earlier drafts were similar to how I would have written them in high school. I tried to write as if I would be turning in the first draft as my final. I now see that this is not the best way to write. Now I write whatever come to my mind even if it doesn’t completely answer the prompt etc. I now value the revision process because others will be able to pick out things in my writing that I may not have seen. After peer review I find it easier to write my paper because my peers have given me good feedback. In this course we had the opportunity to be able to meet with a writing fellow which I found helpful especially when writing Paper #2. I personally found the prompt for Paper #2 a little confusing at first but after meeting with the writing fellow I had more of a clear view on the direction of my writing.
