Learning Outcome #4

My first draft of Project #3 was written in more of a narrative style because I remember being confused about the prompt. The feedback that I received was that I had good ideas but they needed to be more developed into a thesis and needed more structure. The person peer editing my work helped me when I was trying to create a thesis. She pointed out some ideas throughout my essay that had potential to become thesis’s, which I found helpful. I think it important that I had a strong thesis because it shapes the rest of the paper. I find it easier to look for evidence if I know what my argument is.

In the beginning of peer review I start out by reading over the essay and making any grammar mistakes I see throughout the essay. The second time I read through I look at the introduction paragraph and thesis. I make sure that the thesis is clear without being too specific. I read this over because I want to make sure the reader id not confused or wondering what the point of the essay is. I think the thesis is an important part of the essay because it is the set up for the whole paper. I always ask questions when reading the analysis because this part is important when explaining to the reader why the evidence is significant to the argument. When reviewing a peer’s paper #3 I asked questions such as, “what is the deeper meaning of being considerate?” I wanted to help her deepen her analysis so that she can make it show that she understands what being considerate means. In Project #3 using the personal “I” was an important factor in making this essay stronger and more meaningful. In another peers paper I noticed that they forgot to mention their own personal statement. I gave suggestions on how to incorporate “I” into their writing. I said that he trying relating the quote he used with himself, or if the quote did not relate to himself then he could explain why. Thinking back to how I did peer review in the past it was more grammar mistakes than idea based help. I used to always receive feedback that was grammar based and this didn’t really help me develop my work. I have learned to suggest helpful feedback to help improve writing.
